Why you should trust your developer
You can be the best team of professional developers with years of experience, but if we don't build trust with the client, all work will be hindered.
But how to build a good relationship with a partner so that there is support and understanding on both sides? It is not easy, but the work pays off for everyone!
4 min read
In this Article:
- Why communication is critical for project success
- How to start to build trust with developers
- How to help each other when running successful projects
Let’s get to know each other
Choosing a company that provides applications or builds a website is a key moment in the project. Of course, before choosing any service provider, we checked the offer and range of possibilities a particular company offers. So we, as a potential client, know its strengths and that assumption we can trust it with the project we come up with.
However, it is worth checking out the projects and companies with which the developers in question have worked. Familiar logos on the “ clients list” may not say much. It is worth taking a peek at case studies of specific projects.
What were the implementations done? What solutions and tools were used? Do we feel the same ” vibe”? Feedback from satisfied customers and a few well-executed projects is the first step to placing trust in the company.
Communication at every level
Nothing will bury a project as much as a lack of essential communication. Developers in teams have their paths and work procedures developed, but the developer-client relationship is a path that is yet to be created. The specifics of the project, especially the people involved in the project themselves, can be a barrier to getting things done.
Each project manager or manager who has been asked to participate in the project may impose his method of communication. That may influence workflow, for example, marketing campaigns, but it will not necessarily be good when discussing an application project. A common language and clarity from the beginning of the assignment is a dream for developers and clients, who sometimes speak a ” different language.”
Transparent feedback and a path to lead the project
Drawing clear rules on running a project or delivering feedback (how, in what form, and when) is a lifesaver for any project. If we create best practices to which both parties subscribe, it is easier to establish trust and confidence that we will complete our project quickly and efficiently.
Let’s hear each other out
Nothing builds trust like listening to each other’s needs. Sometimes solutions proposed by developers are not accepted because they are not understood. The ability to translate technical solutions into the language of benefits is a key element in the design process. The client must understand the developer and his suggestions from a business angel. This joint hearing can be the key to completing any project, even the most difficult one.